Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer 2011

It's hard to believe summer is coming to an end in just a few weeks. At least according to the calendar. In some parts of the US we won't see Autumn for at least 2 more months. We are trying to be patient!

As some of you may know, we have tried to get EOC up and running on several occasions. After I was diagnosed with cancer in late 2009 things came to a rather unexpected stop. After almost two years I'm doing quite well, still going for treatments, but am determined to get this company on track and start being of service to anyone who needs our help. I'm overjoyed to be here and am thankful for all the blessings in my life, wonderful friends, old and new, my customers from Joyce Steele & Associates, and of course my precious children and grandchildren and sisters.

So here we are and we look forward to working with everyone. We have some great new ideas and will be sharing them on Facebook and here on our blog.

Have a wonderful rest of the summer and here's to you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hi Autumn

Welcome Autumn!

We're so glad you are back.At least in some parts of the country.

We are putting the finishing touches on our first newsletter and will be sending it out soon. If you know anyone who would enjoy seeing all the things that make Fall special, please send us their email address and we will be sure they get a copy.

Here's to all things that make this such a delightful season: crisp, fresh air, sweaters, glorious leaves, pumpkins, apples, cider and donuts, hayrides, football, marshmallows, scarecrows, ghosts and goblins. And don't forget mums, a fire in the fireplace.

This is the the perfect season to celebrate with family and friends.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy to be back

We've been away for too long, unexpectedly I must say. But we are about to launch the business officially by the first of May. Please look for updates and join us on Facebook and Twitter if you like. We'd love to have you with us.

We are working on designing small bouquets for children to give their Mother's for her special day. Sunday May 9th. Very inexpensive, but very beautiful.

Here's to Spring, blossoms, tulips, dafodils and all the good things in life. We are happy to be back .

Monday, November 23, 2009

Carla's Bouquet

Sisters... Carla the bride and her sister Kristin

Monday, November 9, 2009

Napkins add a special touch

Cupcakes that match

Jane's Baby Shower

We had a great afternoon yesterday. Thanks to all the girls who baked, cooked and brought the games. Since Jane won't find out if the baby is a girl or boy, decided to do something different. The house is already decorated for autumn and Thanksgiving. Chose shower colors in chocolate brown and soft green, pistachio. One of her girlfriends made a "stroller" cake. And matching cupcakes.

In order to keep the decoration budget down, I bought "gifts" for the baby and used them to decorate. Floated rubber ducks in crystal bowls, a stuffed lion, taggy rattle. Out by the pool, piled diapers, wipes, bath lotion, washcloths, etc. Not only did they add to the baby shower mood, she got to take them all home to use.

Great food, games, and good friends and a new baby almost here. Followed by another one in February! What more could you ask for. :)